Death of popular sovereignty? Reflections on our (post) democratic condition

Aufklärung v. 2, n. 1 (2015) • Aufklärung - Revista de Filosofia

Autor: M. R. A. N. Costa


Death of popular sovereignty? Reflections on our (post) democratic condition

In this article I try to answer a specific question: is it possible to recover the value and determinant role of the concept of popular sovereignty, in the actual condition of contemporary democracies? Assuming that it is still possible (and desirable) to recover this ideal and regulative principle, I want to explore the conditions that are available today in order to do so. That implies, first and foremost, to critically expose the eminent dangers brought by globalization and the new neoliberal imperialism. These put into question the set of fundamental democratic aspirations of freedom, equality and social justice. Under this light, to question about the conditions of possibility for popular sovereignty means to questions about the conditions of possibility for democracy itself. We will only be capable of recuing democracy if we redefine: a) the relationship between individual and community; b) the relationship between democratic nations and non-democratic global organizations; c) the space where democracy should take place (from nation-state to local communities). This article has four moments. First, I offer a brief reading of the concept of popular sovereignty in modernity, having as main reference Rousseau. In the second moment I characterize contemporary democratic constellation in its dialogue between Bernard Manin (1997) and Nadia Urbinati (2006). In the third moment I focus on the tension between democratic ideals and neoliberal hegemony. Finally, 
I look into the conditions of possibility for rescuing democracy and popular sovereignty. 


Texto Completo:

Palavras-Chave: democracy, globalization,neoliberalism, polit

Aufklärung - Revista de Filosofia

Aufklärung, revista de filosofia (Qualis B1, DOI 10.18012/ARF) tem foco na publicação de artigos na área de filosofia, ou que sejam relevantes para a pesquisa em filosofia.