Kant on history

v. 2 n. 02 (2014) • Estudos Kantianos [EK]

Autor: Ana Marta GONZÁLEZ


This essay intends to show how Kant’s approach to history paves the way for his philosophy of history. In order to do so, I will first draw on some texts included in the transcripts of Kant’s Logic Lectures to articulate his views on history. I willthen argue that Kant’s philosophy of history constitutes his particular way of making sense of the contingency proper to historical knowledge in light of the interests of reason.

Texto Completo: http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/ek/article/view/4128

Estudos Kantianos [EK]

Revista do Centro de Pesquisa e Estudos Kantianos Valério Rohden