Reflective Equilibrium and Normative Reconstruction: Recasting the Phenomenological Deficit of Critical Theory

vol. 13, n. 1 (2014) • Ethic@ - Revista Internacional de Filosofia Moral

Autor: Nythamar H. F. de Oliveira


In this paper, which reflects an ongoing interdisciplinary research in Cognitive and Social Sciences, I recast the normative claims of a political constructivism in reflective equilibrium (Rawls) and of a formal, pragmatic reconstruction (Habermas) as instances of a weak social constructionism. I proceed thus to investigate how social, evolutionary processes, in both semantic and normative terms (Brandom), may be said to pursue universalizable, valid normative claims that could be justified from an externalist standpoint, generated through reflective equilibrium without reductionism.


Texto Completo:

Palavras-Chave: Rawls,Habermas,Political Constructivism,Refle

Ethic@ - Revista Internacional de Filosofia Moral

ethic@ - An international Journal for Moral Phylosophy - uma publicação do Núcleo de Ética e Filosofia Política da UFSC, tem como objetivo principal publicar trabalhos inéditos (artigos, resenhas, entrevistas, traduções), com excelência e vanguarda na área de Filosofia Moral Moderna e Contemporânea.