V. 12 N. 20 (2019): Jan./Jun 2019 • Polymatheia - Revista de Filosofia

Autor: Marcelo Fonseca de Oliveira


This paper aims to compare Hume and Berkeley’s approach on will and liberty. Berkeley defines will as a mind’s faculty, whereas Hume understands it attached to impressions. Both philosophers claim for definition as a philosophical method to enhance the knowledge of nature. The conclusion discusses determinism as attached to liberty. Since his religious commitment, Berkeley tried to turn compatible determinism and liberty. Despite the current arguments that called Hume a stringent determinist due to his aim of a Science of human nature, we state that this thesis should be revised. In other words, we can’t assure definitely Hume as a determinist (Penelhum, 1993, 243), seeing that his argument covers the possibility of liberty.


This paper aims to compare Hume and Berkeley’s approach on will and liberty. Berkeley defines will asa mind’s faculty, whereas Hume understands it attached to impressions. Both philosophers claim for definition as a philosophical method to enhance the knowledge of nature. The conclusion discusses determinism as attached to liberty. Since his religious commitment, Berkeley tried to turn compatible determinism and liberty. Despite the current arguments that called Hume a stringent determinist due to his aim of a Science of human nature, we state that this thesis should be revised. In other words, we can’t assure definitely Hume as a determinist (Penelhum, 1993, 243), seeing that his argument covers the possibility of liberty.

ISSN: 1984-9575

Texto Completo: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/revistapolymatheia/article/view/5775

Palavras-Chave: ética, vontade, Liberdade

Polymatheia - Revista de Filosofia

A Polymatheia - Revista de Filosofia (Qualis B4) é uma publicação criada pelo Curso de Mestrado Acadêmico em Filosofia da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, como periódico científico, da área de filosofia, voltada para a publicação de artigos de graduados/as, pós-graduandos/as e pós-graduados/as em Filosofia. Organizada diretamente pelos próprios estudantes e professores do Centro de Humanidades, Curso de Graduação em Filosofia.