V. 27, N. 41 (2015) • Revista de Filosofia Aurora

Autor: Felix Heidenreich


The scientific community in the humanities agrees that the work of the German post-war philosopher Hans Blumenberg is fascinating, compelling and inspiring, although the texts remain to some extent hard to understand. His extensive exchange with authors like Carl Schmitt, Jacob Taubes or Hannah Arendt show the often forgotten and sometimes systematically hidden political aspects of his philosophy. The theory of modernity, the theory of myth and of course his metaphorology are the main areas of debate which can be checked for their political implications and ramifications. However, the a priori exclusion of republican arguments and ideas points to a systematic problem in Blumenberg’s thought. All his thinking remains in the framework of what has been called “subject-philosophy”, it seems. While his early publications allowed a certain critique of ideology (from the perspective of metaphorology), this gesture almost disappears in his later writings. It is basically the single subject which works on myth, which seems to project “significance” (Bedeutsamkeit) into the world, which makes sense of his life in anecdotes. However, human self-assertion is always a common project, an inherited technique which creates not only myths but also institutions and law. The political aspects in Blumenberg’s work therefore also make transparent the limitations of his thought.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7213/aurora.27.041.DS06

Texto Completo: https://periodicos.pucpr.br/index.php/aurora/article/view/544

Revista de Filosofia Aurora

A Revista de Filosofia: Aurora (Qualis A2) é uma publicação quadrimestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR). Vem divulgando, desde 1988, resultados de pesquisas com o intuito de colaborar com a formação e atuação de filósofos e demais profissionais das áreas afins. A Revista de Filosofia Aurora (Journal of Philosophy Aurora) publica artigos científicos, resenhas e entrevistas adotando o processo de revisão (peer review) entre os membros do Conselho Editorial e da comunidade científica especializada, em sistema duplo de revisão anônima (blind review), ou seja, tanto os nomes dos pareceristas quanto os dos autores permanecerão em sigilo.

O título abreviado da revista é Rev. Filos. Aurora e deve ser utilizado em bibliografias, referências, notas de rodapé e legendas bibliográficas.