Kant e os Deveres para com as Gerações Futuras

2017, V. 73, N. 1 • Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia

Autor: Edgard José Jorge Filho


In the face of the enormous challenges of this century, it is urgent to consider the question of an ethics concerned with the future of mankind and of its environment. In this study, we inquire into a possible contribution of Kantian philosophy to the conception of duties to the future generations. We consider in particular the following questions: 1) does the Kantian ethics admit, though only implicitly, duties to future generations of human beings?; 2) bound to such duties, would be there the duty to know and foresee the possible, near and remote, consequences of the actions of a certain generation on the future generations?; 3) does Kant acknowledge any duty with regard to the non-human beings of nature or, at least, a moral interest in them?

ISSN: 0870-5283; 2183-461X

DOI: http://doi.org/10.17990/rpf/2017_73_1_0379

Texto Completo: https://www.publicacoesfacfil.pt/product.php?id_product=982

Palavras-Chave: duties,ethics,future generations,Kant,moral i

Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia

A Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (RPF) foi fundada em 1945 por Domingos Maurício, SJ; Cassiano Abranches, SJ; Severiano Tavares, SJ e Diamantino Martins, SJ. É uma publicação trimestral da Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia.

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