Inconoscibilità di Dio e interiorizzazione della fede nella filosofia di Søren Kierkegaard

2017, V. 73, N. 2 • Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia

Autor: Inconoscibilità di Dio e interiorizzazione della fede nella filosofia di Søren Kierkegaard


According to the Lutheran tradition, to which Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) belongs, God manifests Himself sub contraria specie as an unfathomable paradox. The Revelation makes the onthological distinction between man and God even deeper, because, while God reveals Himself to human beings, the conscience of the sin arises. Sin affects each individual as a singular person (Den Enkelte), who stands alone ‘before God’ as a sinner. Only the one who accepts the paradox by faith and lets himself being upbilt by God becomes a true self, as Abraham (Fear and Trembling) and Job (Repetition) show in a stereotypical manner. In Kierkegaard’s mind every common person can aspire to be a ‘knight of faith’, by internalizing the same detached attitude towards earthly goods which Paul suggested to the Corinthians (1Cor: 7, 29-31). Faith is trusting God above all things, so that the beliver puts the finite in the hands of God for taking it back with the assurance that everything is a blissful gift.

ISSN: 0870-5283; 2183-461X


Texto Completo:

Palavras-Chave: faith,internalization,paradox,resignation,sin

Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia

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