A Critical Examination of Peirce’s Theory of Natural Inferences

2017, V. 73, N. 3-4 • Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia

Autor: A Critical Examination of Peirce’s Theory of Natural Inferences


Peirce’s theory of inferences is scrutinized and shown that any inference needs to satisfy a logical principle. Moreover, it is shown there are here some flaws due to his basic view that we can improve knowledge through reasoning. At the opposite, I shall show that we need an associative moment and that the business of abduction is to narrow denotation, while that of induction is to enlarge connotation. The historical example of the debate between EPR, Bohr and Schrödinger is reviewed. Moreover, a circle of inferences is proposed.

ISSN: 0870-5283; 2183-461X

DOI: http://doi.org/10.17990/RPF/2017_73_3_1053

Texto Completo: https://www.publicacoesfacfil.pt/product.php?id_product=1059

Palavras-Chave: abduction,connotation,deductio,denotation,ind

Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia

A Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (RPF) foi fundada em 1945 por Domingos Maurício, SJ; Cassiano Abranches, SJ; Severiano Tavares, SJ e Diamantino Martins, SJ. É uma publicação trimestral da Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia.

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