Ansai peasant paintings: inheritance of chinese primitive culture and primitive philosophy

v. 46, Esp. Filosofia Oriental (2023) • Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia da Unesp

Autor: Yaqian Chang , Liming Zhou , Peng Lu, Samina Yasmeen


Chinese primitive philosophy, as the unity of cosmological ontology, epistemology and methodology of the Chinese philosophical system, is a complete and mature philosophical system formed in the late primitive society as early as before the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. It is also the unity of the concept of Yin and Yang and constant life that is sublimated from the human-beings’ basic cultural consciousness: life consciousness and reproduction consciousness. The Chinese primitive culture, from the painted pottery culture 7,000 years ago to today, from the underground archaeological culture to the group culture on the ground, is a plastic art based on the concept of viewing objects and taking images. It is a broad concept of fine arts that determines the philosophical view, artistic view, emotional temperament, psychological quality and national spirit of the Chinese nation. The most primitive culture and primitive philosophy in China have been preserved with extremely rich and complete historical remains in the group’s cultural and social life. It is for this reason that China is the only country with an ancient history of civilization that has not experienced

ISSN: 1980-539X


Texto Completo:

Palavras-Chave: Ansai peasant paintings. Life consciousness. Harmony of Yin and Yang. Five elements and eight diagrams.

Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia da Unesp

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